Travelling to Trento

There is no airport in Trento, so if you are planning to travel by plane, you should try to arrive either in Verona (90 km), Venice (153 km), or Milan (213 km); in order of importance, Milan, Venice, Verona. Verona is considerably closer to Trento than Milan but there are many more flights into Milan. If travelling from outside Europe, consider flying to Verona via London.

Trains. You can check the Italian Railways official site to find the information you need. Please note that train tickets must be stamped with the yellow machines available at the platform (binario) entrance before getting on the train. In buying your ticket you should specify the arrival station (Trento), the train you are planning to take (some InterCity trains require a supplement that is more expensive if purchased on the train) and the class: 1st (prima) or 2nd (seconda). First class is more comfortable and about 60% more expensive. An alternative possibility is to fly to Munich International Airport and to proceed to Trento by train.

For any further information please ask your Travel Agent.

Location of ITC-irst